yoga for difficult times
I published a series of videos for people transitioning to staying at home more. Watch the entire playlist to flow through a full yoga class or jump straight to one of the videos for an area of focus. I broke it down into six structures.
Listen to me babble on about why I created my first ever yoga video series and how I came up with the structure of the classes.
Counteracting screen time
Eye exercises and a self-massage around the neck to counteract long periods of sitting and staring at a screen.
Foundation: Surya namaskar A + B
Warm up your entire body, strengthen the muscles, and stretch the spine from the top of the head down to the base of the pelvis with sun salutations.
Anahata, upper back, neck and shoulder practice
Heart and throat chakra openers, upper back and shoulder focused stretching and breathing.
Svadhisthana, lower back and hips
Hip and lower back stretches to target the sacral chakra (svadisthana).
Closing meditation and grounding the body
End your yoga practice or reset your body by relaxing with legs up the wall and closing with a grounding meditation.